Acts 9:17 "So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
Today I want to encourage those among us who are caretakers. Your tasks are often overwhelming, tiring and in some cases thankless. As I have watched my generation mature I've witnessed many of my friends care for elderly parents whose health has deteriorated; some provide financial assistance and emotional support as siblings battle cancer and various debilitating diseases; others stand strongly by their marital vows of "for better or for worse," Just like Ananias when told to care for the blinded Saul, I am sure many of you were apprehensive to take on the caretaker role; not because like Ananias you were afraid for your life, but because you might have feared you would not be adequate for the task. For those who have been caring for an autistic or disabled child or young victims of accidents or abuse be assured that God's word tells of the blessing that comes from advocating for the innocent. For those who are standing strong with brothers and sisters and giving up of your time to care for their needs; remember that Christ said that your o'giving up your life' in time and sacrifice is the greatest gift. For those who care for spouses-what a blessing it is to emulate the love that Christ, the bridegroom has for us, his bride. Your love and sacrifice sends arrows of joy straight to the heart of God. Galatians 6:9 tells us to "not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." There is a quiet sense of fulfillment each night when you finally get to rest after a long day of serving others but it shall never compare to the harvest of joy that shall be yours when you are rewarded in Christ. Maybe Alzheimer's has robbed mom or dad of remembering your birthday or a stoke makes it hard to get a hug from your hubby; or maybe your child will never be able to live on their own, but rest assured your love and care are not going unnoticed. Do not try to operate in your own strength or you will fatigue easily and frustration will cripple your efforts; but lavish in knowing that God honors your service and those you help appreciate it even if they can not or do not tell you. I praise God for your life. You are a blessing! Dr. JoAnn